Sunday, August 22, 2010


Now that I am college graduate, no more research papers, book reviews, or any types of assignments. No more stress!!!

Yea right.....

I have been a college graduate for 3 months now and looking for a job. At this point there is not a dream job in mind. I just need something to keep me from going stir crazy at this house. Let the stress begin. I hate waiting for prospective employers to call.... and they don't. I would much rather be taking classes again. At least I would know what to expect.

Since I have been spending so much time home alone, I have picked up on sewing tote bags, canning fruits and veggies, and keeping the laundry caught up. I like being able to do these things but the pay is not as good as something away from the home. These have become my new hobby and stress reliever. I feel like I need to being living about 40 years ago when this was the norm. Now being about to sew and can is a rarity for my generation. Either way I enjoy it and it keeps my mind off of the stress.

I hope to be about to blog everyday just about whatever I feel like. There is more free time right now in my life and I want to be able to write it down and reflect a few years later.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Terrorism. What comes to mine? Bin Laden? or perhaps anyone that may come or look Middle Eastern? Our media has placed a stereotype on this term that terrorism only applies to Islamic Extremist.

Example: Fort Hood, Texas November 5, 2009. We all know what happened that day when a member of the United States Army shot and killed a number of people on the base. In response to this the media on every network was covering this event. The words they used to explain this was anything but terrorism. After investigation it was concluded that the shooter was apart of Islamic Extremist groups, but one doesn't have to be affiliated with Islam to be a terrorist.

the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government. (

Today I recent read that an airplane flew into a building in downtown Austin, Texas. I only knew of this because a peer posted this on his/her status on facebook. I didn't care to read the details of the event because the next few weeks the news will share more than what I want to know. However in this posting he/she wrote that "terrorism is not suspected." How is terrorism not suspected? That defines terrorism. Has media warped our way in thinking that terrorism only happens when the suspect is Islamic? Yes. It is very obvious! The notorious Timothy McVeigh from the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing was a terrorist. Was he a white American? Yes. However if that even were to happen today he would not been seen as a terrorist. Wait... The same type of even did happen today and yes he is not considered a terrorist.

This is just one of millions of examples how the media warps the minds of its viewers. I once thought that the media should be better monitored so that biases and propaganda would be left out of the news. Now I think that it is the responsibility of the people to find out what is fact and fiction. Americans will believe what they want to believe. The media doesn't change that but they play on what Americans want for viewers, readers, etc..

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Eugenics- the study of hereditary improvements of the human race by controlled selective breeding. -

Just because one can do something, doesn't mean they should.

Procreation should not be viewed like driving is. Driving is not a right it is a privilege. Having kids should be the same way.

The biggest issue are those who can not support themselves and choose to live off the government. Extreme welfare case. " I am not responsible enough, or too lazy to get some kind of job, so I am just going to take other people's earn money."

OK, I am not one to tell you how to live your life. If you don't have enough self pride to make your own living don't ask for any respect from me.

Here's the kicker. Those who can't support themselves having children. That is NOT OK! Their "right" to have children went out the window as soon as they started taking hand-outs. Why should the responsible, respectable people have to pay for this?

Those people on welfare should be force to be on birth control. Not just a pill either. An IUD. There is no better option. Welfare just have some strings attached (no pun intended) so the people on it.

They should also have random drug testing but that is for another day.

We do not need the reproduction of more people that are not productive to society. We have plenty, thanks. Is this a type of eugenics? Why yes, but there is nothing wrong with that. Why would anyone want to have another life to support when they can't support themselves? It is apparent that the child will not get the things he/she needs to be a productive citizen.

Yea sure there are some expectations, but not enough to change my mind about the issue. This idea gives some incentive for people to make their own living. It also slowly eliminates the abusers of the welfare system. Eventually they will weed out and not reproduce.

There are useful benefits to the welfare system, but to those who are abusing the system this refers for you.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


H1N1-Swine Flu

So changing the name in "mid-swing" is better now? The fact remains it is another one of the CDC's overrated hype about the flu.

The first victim of the H1N1 is tragic. However, the infant would have died from any stranded of flu. The face remains that infants, young children, elderly, and those how have low immune systems are the main concern when it comes to the flu virus.

Nobody wants to contract any of the virus's strands. But why every year the media makes a huge deal out of the flu season. I am sick of hearing about it.

You know if they closed the borders to the U.S. this wouldn't be an issue. That is for another day.

I am sick of the forwards send to me about some damn chain letter for prayers for the 23 month old's family. Is that sad? Why yes, but where is the chain letter for the 100 people that died everyday from the flu.

I am sick of it. Do not send me this bull shit anymore. You will receive an ass chewing if you do so.

And for those of you who are buying pork now, thank you. When the price of bacon hits rock bottom I am stocking up on all pork products. If you are stupid enough to believe that swine flu comes from eating pork, I am going to benefit from it. It is people like you that I wonder, how you do not drowned in the shower.

I am tired of the hype, stupid, and the over exaggeration from Americans. I will start watching the news again in about 6 months when this shit blows over.

Monday, April 20, 2009


The more I analyze controversial topics, the more I don't care.

I used to think that I was right-winged conservative hell-bent against abortion, gay marriage, and other issued related to the ultra conservatives. I now realize it is non of my business what other people want and it is not the governments either.

If a pregnant woman wants to kill her unborn child, she is the one that must live with herself. I don't have to regret any of her decisions. I do believe that women should be educated before their final decision, but I don't believe it is the government's responsibility to make that decision for her.

I do not respect or like the gay community that wants to draw attention to themselves by the way they talk, dress, or act. So you're gay, I don't care at all but you don't need to flaunt it around like some street performer. I have nothing against gay marriage, if that is what you want, so be it. However, I do not like to see any kind of public display (PDA) of affection. As I don't want to see PDA from any other couple, homosexual or heterosexual.

The government has no obligation to legalize or "illegalize" our choices.

Things that should stay out of the government's control:

-Gun control (Guns don't kill people)

-Seat belt laws (If one doesn't have to wear a helmet they should have to wear a seat belt)

-Smoking laws (It is the right of the owner to established their business smoking or non-smoking)

-Economy (If the establishment isn't smart enough to run their business, then let natural selection take its course)

-Gambling (Why must they designate certain areas for gambling? People are going to do it where ever and when ever they want)
-Hunting regulations (They do not breed the animals, feed the animals, or pay for the animals and yet the government owns them.)

These are some of the top of my noggin that continue to aggravate me. I would like to have a true laissez-faire approach to government. We only need to government for our safety. Such as police and military. Non of the rest matter and would be better off and more efficient without the government's "help."

Friday, April 17, 2009


Finishing up my third year in college, I realized the great times I have had here. Going to a small university in a small town has its own advantages and disadvantages. Same with all other college whether it be University of Michigan or a local community college.

The thing about college is one has to experience it. Not just going to class but the entire college experience. Living away from home, have some new freedom, and making new friends are all apart of the college experience.

Looking back on my first three years, I have realized what has made college so enjoyable. I would like to share them so that maybe someone, somewhere might take this advice and use it to their advantage to enjoy college.

1. Participate

Take part in the student activities that the college puts on for the students. They do these activities for you so take advantage of the free food and free stuff.

2. Get out!!

Use your room as motel for the first few weeks and just sleep in it. Go around campus and meet new people and find different places. The friends I met in college are still the closest friends I will ever have. Not only will you find friend but you will be more familiar with your surroundings.

3. Live in the dorms

This may sound dumb, but living in the on campus dorms gives you a college experience like no where else. Like drama? You will like living in the dorms. Everyone I have ever talked to said that everyone should live in the dorms for the first year of college.

4. Go to sporting events

Support your school and be proud of your teams no matter how bad they maybe. The games are a fun atmosphere. Athletes work hard each week the least you can do is go to their games. You never know what you like until you have tried it.

5. Get to know your professors

This may not be easy for everyone, but I have enjoy many conversations with my professors. If they enjoy teaching, they enjoy the students. Other wise they wouldn't be there. I know there are some just drawing a pay check, but you will know which professors are approachable or not. Getting to know your professors more than just your professor may help you later when need a letter of recommendation for a job or graduate school.

6. Have a beer already!!!

I am NOT saying drink until your heart stops, but it is OK to enjoy an alcoholic beverage. Yes, it is part of the college experience. However, no one needs to be a statistic of dying from alcohol poisoning. Enjoy drinking with your buddies while you can, cause after college it is viewed very different.

These are just a few suggestions I have pondered when thinking about my college career. I have many enjoyable memories from participating in these events. I have many many friends that have moved or transferred that I still talk to on a daily basis. College is one of the best eras of my life. I want everyone to have the same positive experience that I have had.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Who ever named Chicago the "Windy City" had never been to the Texas or Oklahoma Panhandles.

As a matter of fact, Chicago is indeed not the windiest city in the United States. Dodge City, Kansas and Amarillo, Texas tops the list. This is according to USATODAY's assistant weather editor, Bob Swanson, on October 3, 2006.

Holy crap today is windy! Not just breezy, but down right nasty.

Nothing against God's wonderful work, but who thought this much wind was a good idea? It is so windy that they shut down the wind mills.

What? So "windy" they shut down the "wind" mills. That doesn't make sense. Isn't that why we put wind mills in this area? Don't they want to catch the wind to create energy?

That's right. It is too windy to catch wind, because it would tear-up the wind mills. Dealing with the weather can be the most aggravating part of one's life.

-A pointless thought for the day-