Sunday, August 22, 2010


Now that I am college graduate, no more research papers, book reviews, or any types of assignments. No more stress!!!

Yea right.....

I have been a college graduate for 3 months now and looking for a job. At this point there is not a dream job in mind. I just need something to keep me from going stir crazy at this house. Let the stress begin. I hate waiting for prospective employers to call.... and they don't. I would much rather be taking classes again. At least I would know what to expect.

Since I have been spending so much time home alone, I have picked up on sewing tote bags, canning fruits and veggies, and keeping the laundry caught up. I like being able to do these things but the pay is not as good as something away from the home. These have become my new hobby and stress reliever. I feel like I need to being living about 40 years ago when this was the norm. Now being about to sew and can is a rarity for my generation. Either way I enjoy it and it keeps my mind off of the stress.

I hope to be about to blog everyday just about whatever I feel like. There is more free time right now in my life and I want to be able to write it down and reflect a few years later.

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