Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Eugenics- the study of hereditary improvements of the human race by controlled selective breeding. -

Just because one can do something, doesn't mean they should.

Procreation should not be viewed like driving is. Driving is not a right it is a privilege. Having kids should be the same way.

The biggest issue are those who can not support themselves and choose to live off the government. Extreme welfare case. " I am not responsible enough, or too lazy to get some kind of job, so I am just going to take other people's earn money."

OK, I am not one to tell you how to live your life. If you don't have enough self pride to make your own living don't ask for any respect from me.

Here's the kicker. Those who can't support themselves having children. That is NOT OK! Their "right" to have children went out the window as soon as they started taking hand-outs. Why should the responsible, respectable people have to pay for this?

Those people on welfare should be force to be on birth control. Not just a pill either. An IUD. There is no better option. Welfare just have some strings attached (no pun intended) so the people on it.

They should also have random drug testing but that is for another day.

We do not need the reproduction of more people that are not productive to society. We have plenty, thanks. Is this a type of eugenics? Why yes, but there is nothing wrong with that. Why would anyone want to have another life to support when they can't support themselves? It is apparent that the child will not get the things he/she needs to be a productive citizen.

Yea sure there are some expectations, but not enough to change my mind about the issue. This idea gives some incentive for people to make their own living. It also slowly eliminates the abusers of the welfare system. Eventually they will weed out and not reproduce.

There are useful benefits to the welfare system, but to those who are abusing the system this refers for you.

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