Thursday, April 30, 2009


H1N1-Swine Flu

So changing the name in "mid-swing" is better now? The fact remains it is another one of the CDC's overrated hype about the flu.

The first victim of the H1N1 is tragic. However, the infant would have died from any stranded of flu. The face remains that infants, young children, elderly, and those how have low immune systems are the main concern when it comes to the flu virus.

Nobody wants to contract any of the virus's strands. But why every year the media makes a huge deal out of the flu season. I am sick of hearing about it.

You know if they closed the borders to the U.S. this wouldn't be an issue. That is for another day.

I am sick of the forwards send to me about some damn chain letter for prayers for the 23 month old's family. Is that sad? Why yes, but where is the chain letter for the 100 people that died everyday from the flu.

I am sick of it. Do not send me this bull shit anymore. You will receive an ass chewing if you do so.

And for those of you who are buying pork now, thank you. When the price of bacon hits rock bottom I am stocking up on all pork products. If you are stupid enough to believe that swine flu comes from eating pork, I am going to benefit from it. It is people like you that I wonder, how you do not drowned in the shower.

I am tired of the hype, stupid, and the over exaggeration from Americans. I will start watching the news again in about 6 months when this shit blows over.

1 comment:

  1. Baaaaahahahahaha!!! You totally crack me up!!! No one ever has to wonder where they stand with you.
