Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Prejudice-unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, esp. of a hostile nature, regarding a racial, religious, or national group. (dictionary.com)

This definition of prejudice can be found on the third listing of prejudice at dictionary. com.

But is this a accurate definition? Yes there are people that have bad feelings towards people of different racial, religious, or national group. There is no denying that fact. But is it only limited to those three categories?

What about those who maybe overweight? Do people not have hostile feelings about those who are heavier than others? Just like racial, religious, or national groups, overweight people are given there own stereotypes and judgement. "Lazy, worthless, stupid, selfish, and gluttons" are some of the terms used to describe heavier people.

I have encounter many delightful people who are not lazy, worthless, stupid, selfish, or gluttons, that happen to be considered overweight. They were enlightening to engage with and I would never see them as anything but a human. They are our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandmas, grandpas, husbands, wives, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews. These are the people that effect our lives the most. So what, they enjoy life to their fullest in ways others see unhealthy. They are still loved by many others that are mature enough to see through their faults.

Anyone can be through into a categories that are sub-human in the eyes of others. We have all been preached to about how everyone is different. This is true in the same light we are all human. Being human means that we all have our faults. With these faults are prejudice feelings towards others.

I believe that everyone has some degree of prejudice. No one is completely unbiased. I have my own prejudice against people and so does the rest of the human race. But I keep my to myself at all cost.

Why can't we all keep their prejudice feelings to our selves?

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