Friday, April 17, 2009


Finishing up my third year in college, I realized the great times I have had here. Going to a small university in a small town has its own advantages and disadvantages. Same with all other college whether it be University of Michigan or a local community college.

The thing about college is one has to experience it. Not just going to class but the entire college experience. Living away from home, have some new freedom, and making new friends are all apart of the college experience.

Looking back on my first three years, I have realized what has made college so enjoyable. I would like to share them so that maybe someone, somewhere might take this advice and use it to their advantage to enjoy college.

1. Participate

Take part in the student activities that the college puts on for the students. They do these activities for you so take advantage of the free food and free stuff.

2. Get out!!

Use your room as motel for the first few weeks and just sleep in it. Go around campus and meet new people and find different places. The friends I met in college are still the closest friends I will ever have. Not only will you find friend but you will be more familiar with your surroundings.

3. Live in the dorms

This may sound dumb, but living in the on campus dorms gives you a college experience like no where else. Like drama? You will like living in the dorms. Everyone I have ever talked to said that everyone should live in the dorms for the first year of college.

4. Go to sporting events

Support your school and be proud of your teams no matter how bad they maybe. The games are a fun atmosphere. Athletes work hard each week the least you can do is go to their games. You never know what you like until you have tried it.

5. Get to know your professors

This may not be easy for everyone, but I have enjoy many conversations with my professors. If they enjoy teaching, they enjoy the students. Other wise they wouldn't be there. I know there are some just drawing a pay check, but you will know which professors are approachable or not. Getting to know your professors more than just your professor may help you later when need a letter of recommendation for a job or graduate school.

6. Have a beer already!!!

I am NOT saying drink until your heart stops, but it is OK to enjoy an alcoholic beverage. Yes, it is part of the college experience. However, no one needs to be a statistic of dying from alcohol poisoning. Enjoy drinking with your buddies while you can, cause after college it is viewed very different.

These are just a few suggestions I have pondered when thinking about my college career. I have many enjoyable memories from participating in these events. I have many many friends that have moved or transferred that I still talk to on a daily basis. College is one of the best eras of my life. I want everyone to have the same positive experience that I have had.

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