Monday, April 20, 2009


The more I analyze controversial topics, the more I don't care.

I used to think that I was right-winged conservative hell-bent against abortion, gay marriage, and other issued related to the ultra conservatives. I now realize it is non of my business what other people want and it is not the governments either.

If a pregnant woman wants to kill her unborn child, she is the one that must live with herself. I don't have to regret any of her decisions. I do believe that women should be educated before their final decision, but I don't believe it is the government's responsibility to make that decision for her.

I do not respect or like the gay community that wants to draw attention to themselves by the way they talk, dress, or act. So you're gay, I don't care at all but you don't need to flaunt it around like some street performer. I have nothing against gay marriage, if that is what you want, so be it. However, I do not like to see any kind of public display (PDA) of affection. As I don't want to see PDA from any other couple, homosexual or heterosexual.

The government has no obligation to legalize or "illegalize" our choices.

Things that should stay out of the government's control:

-Gun control (Guns don't kill people)

-Seat belt laws (If one doesn't have to wear a helmet they should have to wear a seat belt)

-Smoking laws (It is the right of the owner to established their business smoking or non-smoking)

-Economy (If the establishment isn't smart enough to run their business, then let natural selection take its course)

-Gambling (Why must they designate certain areas for gambling? People are going to do it where ever and when ever they want)
-Hunting regulations (They do not breed the animals, feed the animals, or pay for the animals and yet the government owns them.)

These are some of the top of my noggin that continue to aggravate me. I would like to have a true laissez-faire approach to government. We only need to government for our safety. Such as police and military. Non of the rest matter and would be better off and more efficient without the government's "help."

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