Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Public Education

As someone who is entering the public education field, I have many experiences through observations of the rising problems in our schools.

The rise in special education students, English language learners students, English as a second language students, and the No Child Left Behind Act are all major issues in our public school systems today.
Are these major concerns? Yes, with out reservation. But I also see the sharp decline of parent involvement in their child's schooling career. My parents and my peers parents were all actively involved with us in school. If we got in trouble in school we were getting in twice as much trouble at home. They made sure that our homework was completed and done correctly. I struggled in geometry in high school and my parents made sure I was up early for tutoring at 7 a.m. They were constantly asking how school was going, and what kind of grades I was going to get on my report card.

This is not the case in our schools today.

We are taught as future educators that we may be the only good influence on a child's life. We need to show the students we care about them. We need to teach so that they want to learn.

I agree with all of these.

Students are not going to do homework. Therefore, we do not need to give them any. Students are too busy extra-curricular activities to have time for studying and homework. Students need a hands on activity for every lesson so they do not become bored with school.

What is this saying?

Is this producing successful, productive, and responsible students?

What responsibility and accountability is it teaching when you say things like, "Well they are not going to do it anyway. So I am not going to give them any homework." It is a cop-out!

Hell no. The rest of us were involved in every extra-curricular offered in the school and still managed actual school work. Is it not the student's full-time job to be a student? Isn't "extra"-curricular just that, "extra?" Doesn't being in extra-curricular activities and doing your school work develop successful time management?

If one can not obtain good grades and get stuff done for their class than maybe they need to drop some extra activities. It is their job until they graduate to be full-time students, not part-time or "whatever they can fit in."

Who has been in a job where everything and everyday is fun and exciting? What college graduate went to class that were only fun?

What happen to "just buck up and do it?" This has gone to the way of the dodo. From an early age I was taught that somethings in life aren't always fun, but you do it anyway because of the good that comes from it. Building a fence is far from fun, but in the end you won't be getting fines for you mutts being out.

Public education if full of its faults. The greatest fault is that the parents are not vested in their child. School is just a free babysitter and whatever happens, happens.

Maybe we should force parents to be vested in their children by setting price for school. Yes, a tuition for K-12. "O no, some people couldn't afford it!" Well it happens. Maybe then will the students care about their work if the parents are paying out of pocket for it. Probably not, but the parents will care about their children if it is coming from their pocket.

I know in reality this isn't going to happen. But just something to think about when you send your children or future children to school.

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